Introductions are in Order...
This is the part where I say “hi” and introduce myself! I’m Michael Vann, and this is Stripped Down Design. I currently live in Atlanta, but spend a lot of time in Toronto , as well. I’m a television producer and host, but above all, I’m incredibly passionate about interior design and positive living. In order to understand how I got to this point, and where this new creative space is headed, I’ll have to take you back on a little journey….
Interior Design
I’ve been on my interior design journey for basically as long as I can remember. I grew up in a home where my mom was constantly rearranging furniture and redecorating. I guess you can say it’s in my blood. Initially, I was just designing spaces for myself. Then, a few years back, friends started asking for my help in their homes. That was when I realized how much I loved helping people turn their houses into homes they love.
Design for me is art we get to live our lives in. We surround ourselves with things we love and curate a beautiful space full of memories. I basically can’t stop thinking about design; my brain is constantly decorating, redecorating, and creating.
For the past few years, like many of you, I’ve followed many of the great interior designers on HGTV, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Netflix, well… let’s just say everywhere! I love getting inspired by their work! I was always proud of my design work, but struggled to put my own work out into the world. I wanted it to be perfect. I wanted the photos I posted to be just like the ones I admired so much. I was taking them myself and hadn’t quite developed my photography skills. Don’t get me wrong, a few would turn out and I’d post those. Mostly though, I would get frustrated and give up before I even started.
My home is currently on the market in Atlanta. Working in television means I have access to some incredibly talented friends. One of which agreed to come shoot some video of my design work at my house. I thought it would be great to send it out to some publications to see if they wanted to feature the video on their websites. Well, one publication didn’t post the video, but they decided to write an article just based on my MLS listing. The article was fine, but some of the comments that folks left were just awful! It wasn’t my proudest moment, but since I’m being honest here, I cried like a baby at some of the things that were said. About 48 hours later I realized that I didn’t give a damn about these strangers and their opinions.
To be completely honest, those life-sucking morons reminded me of one thing: I believe in my design work and need no other validation.
Recently, I’ve started to let go of trying to be perfect. If I wait for perfection, one day I’ll look back and realize everything I missed out on. Because of what- I was too afraid that someone, anyone, would look and see that I’m not perfect.
Upon Further Examination…
In the process of letting go of striving for perfection I began to examine the other areas of my life where I put too much pressure on myself. The top of that list was actually my body image.
I beat myself up constantly for having too much fat around my waist, not enough muscle mass, the double chin, how much I hate my hairline…trust me, this list could go on and on, but I’ll spare you.
But why do I think I have to be perfect to have any sort of value in this world? Once again, I realized that I don’t expect perfect from others. In fact, I celebrate the imperfections of those I love the most. Why do I waste so much time and energy hating on myself???
Just Say No to Perfection!
We are all constantly bombarded with the images of the perfect bodies, perfect hair, perfect home, perfect car, perfect relationship, perfect life!! It’s all bullshit! There, I said it… it is bullshit! Say it with me now.. it’s freeing… “B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T!”
We all have challenges. We all have struggles. We all have insecurities. We all have doubts.
Yes, even those people you see posting what you think are the perfect abs are actually insecure about that appendectomy scar that you didn’t even notice!
But really, who can blame us all for wanting to be perfect with the onslaught of images promoting flawlessness?
That brings us to this moment: the official launch of Stripped Down Design!!!
What’s with the Name?
If we’re being honest here, you’re all wondering why I’ve decided to name this space Stripped Down Design.
Well, the name Stripped Down Design is exactly what we’re going to do here. This is going to become a creative space where we will strip down; both literally and figuratively. We are going to be real, and we are going to be realistic. In my opinion, that’s what the world needs more of.
We are going to learn how to harness the power of positivity to help get us to a better place mentally and physically with our bodies and our homes. We are going to let this drive our creativity.
When I think back to the designs I’m most proud of, they come from the biggest design challenges. I didn’t have an extra $40k lying around to take down some walls, so instead I created the most bad-ass gallery wall!
I used to be embarrassed about my chest and refused to take my shirt off in public. After a few years of learning to reshape my pecs in the gym, I’m a little more confident now- not because I’m perfect, but because I’m proud of the work I’ve put into learning to love my body!
Stripped Down Design isn’t a place for perfection, it’s a place for positivity!
My hopes and dreams are to grow this community, and to connect with people around the world to celebrate the REAL beauty that is life!
So, here’s a little bit of me stripped down in my own design…